Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mommy moment

Well, I did it. I left my baby girl in the nursery at church for the first time. I cried and she didn't. Go figure. I decided to join the mom's bible study at our church. This is just one of the many perks of being a stay home mom. You actually have time for this kind of thing! The devil was doing his best to keep me from going. Here is how the morning went: I got up before Hadley and got dressed. I was opening her sweet potatoes when the top caused the sweet potatoes to fly all over my shirt! AHH! So I tried to keep my cool and press on. I changed my shirt and continued getting her food ready. Then she wakes up, so I go to pick her up to change her and .. yep.. you guessed it .. a big nasty diaper... you know the kind that leaks out the side....yuck... so I take off all my clothes so as not to get them soiled and proceed to bring my little princess to the tub where we wash her off. We get the funky clothes into the wash, and I put her in her diaper and a bib to feed her then we get her dressed and ready to go. Needless to say we were fifteen minutes late, but God gets the win!! I fed her the bottle for the first part of the study and then decided that I needed to let go and bring her to the nursery. I have been building up to this moment. It is so hard for me to leave her because I have never left her with anyone else except family. I began to tear up as I handed her over, but she was fine with it. They took good care of her and I cried for a little while in the lobby then got myself together and went back in. Win for mommy!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Yesterday's message

Being parents has affected our lives in many ways. When you are a parent, you want to do what is best for your child. You want to watch over them and protect them and do whatever you can to give them the best life possible. Jared and I have always attended church, but since Hadley was born we have really begun to evaluate our spiritual lives. We have continued to pray each night before we go to bed and pray over her before she goes to bed. But we also started reading the Word again on a regular basis. Our church gives out a monthly Bible reading schedule, so we decided to start there. For the past month, we have been reading Proverbs each night. The main theme in Proverbs is wisdom. So naturally, we have been praying for wisdom in all our decisions. Dino has been preaching in a series called "I have a friend who..." . Last week was about healing and this week was about making bad choices. I know, as parents, Jared and I, are really trying to evaluate each word we say, choice we make, or step we take because we have a strong desire to be Godly examples for our daughter. I just wanted to share yesterday's message because it really spoke to me and I hope it will be of value to others. So here goes:

He began with Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your OWN understanding , but in all your ways acknowledge Him and HE will make your paths straight." (I love this verse!) Then he had us think of what the opposite of this verse would be.... I am going to sum it up the best I can. It went something like this... "If you do things YOUR way and do not trust in Him, you will end up in one big cycle of pain, confusion, and fear."

Then he talked about the verses in Romans (7:17-20) that talk about the spirit vs. the flesh. Then he listed the top four areas that people usually make bad choices in: relational, financial, sexual, and result of a bad environment.

He then went on to talk about why we make these bad choices:
1) fear(loneliness, rejection, failure, etc.),
2) impatience(not waiting on God's best for our lives),
3) not using wisdom to make our decisions ( knowing what is right but doing the wrong thing anyway),
4) caught in a stupid moment,
5) pride ( too prideful to listen to others who are trying to speak God's truth to you)
6) lust
7) the company you keep.
Wow- when I look back at some of the bad choices I have made in my life I can see how true these really are!! Funny how easy it is to see now! But the bottom line is HOPE!! There is hope in Christ!!
Dino gave us a few reminders:
1) You will never change what you continue to tolerate! Quit making excuses for things that you know are not pleasing to the Lord! You have to be willing to make a change.
2) Right voices equal right choices. Listen to God's voice/ His Word. Compromised voices equal bad choices.
3) You can't turn back the clock. What is done is done, but you can accept what is and move forward accepting God's healing letting God use your bad choices as a lesson to help you grow. 4) The Bible is a book about people who made bad choices and allowed God to redeem them.

He provided us with tips on how to help if you know someone making bad choices:
1) Have patience.
2) Love them by speaking God's truth to them.
3) Forgiveness
4) HOPE- decisions are not final. God's mercies are new every day! Thank goodness for that!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Interesting week

Well to begin with, school has officially started for me. I am taking two graduate level classes at LSU; one on Wednedsay nights and one on Saturday mornings. I am learning lots of new things in the field of Library Science... I didn't know much to start with so I have a lot to learn. Besides the fact that I worked on one assignment for a whole week only to find out that I would have to redo the whole thing, the classes are going pretty well.
Jared has been sick with a sinus/ear infection all week. Now Hadley and I have caught the crud from him. So we are hoping that we will all recover this weekend. Despite the runny nose, Hadley is in a great mood. She has been squealing alot lately. It is pretty funny! She loves chasing Rusty around the house in her walker. We took her to a professional photographer for her 6 months pictures. She hammed it up big time. I came home and told Jared to get ready because we are going to be broke after this one!! I was really excited because last time was a struggle. Let's just say she wasn't in the mood for her picture to be taken! We are continuing to feed Hadley new foods. We can now add green beans to the list of foods she likes. We are looking forward to watching the Tigers play Saturday night even though I may be sleeping at half time because the game starts so darn late. What were they thinking! Let's hope our offense can bring something exciting!