Friday, September 4, 2009

Interesting week

Well to begin with, school has officially started for me. I am taking two graduate level classes at LSU; one on Wednedsay nights and one on Saturday mornings. I am learning lots of new things in the field of Library Science... I didn't know much to start with so I have a lot to learn. Besides the fact that I worked on one assignment for a whole week only to find out that I would have to redo the whole thing, the classes are going pretty well.
Jared has been sick with a sinus/ear infection all week. Now Hadley and I have caught the crud from him. So we are hoping that we will all recover this weekend. Despite the runny nose, Hadley is in a great mood. She has been squealing alot lately. It is pretty funny! She loves chasing Rusty around the house in her walker. We took her to a professional photographer for her 6 months pictures. She hammed it up big time. I came home and told Jared to get ready because we are going to be broke after this one!! I was really excited because last time was a struggle. Let's just say she wasn't in the mood for her picture to be taken! We are continuing to feed Hadley new foods. We can now add green beans to the list of foods she likes. We are looking forward to watching the Tigers play Saturday night even though I may be sleeping at half time because the game starts so darn late. What were they thinking! Let's hope our offense can bring something exciting!

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